Wall mixer with 22 cm spout with water saving cartridge

Wall mixer with separate plates and 22 cm spout, with 35 mm cartridge. Built-in part product code 19891.

Usually, for convenience or aesthetical reasons, the lever of any single control mixer is placed in the central position. This action wastes energy and water comsumption, as the water will be tepid even if not required.

With our ECOSAVE cartridge only cold water will be released when the lever is in the central position; when the lever is moved to the left, at the first block, the tepid water is released and hot water is released by using higher pressure.



  • Collection: Classic
  • Serie: Century
  • Environment: Bathroom
  • Category:
  • Command: Single lever
  • Placement: Wall
  • Mixing: Cartuccia ECO SAVE da 35
  • Installation: Concealed
  • Chrome